
Media: SEC is investigating the activities of the Kraken exchange


According to Bloomberg, which cites a knowledgeable source, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is checking several products of the Kraken exchange for violations of laws.

An anonymous source of the publication said that the investigation is in its final stages and a settlement of the issue is possible in the near future.. It is not yet known which Kraken tokens and products have attracted the attention of the regulator. Often the SEC allows cryptocurrency companies to resolve the issue with fines, most likely, in which case the issue will be resolved in this way.

Last December, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler stated that in 2023 the main goal of the regulator will be to ensure that cryptocurrency platforms comply with the requirements of the regulator.

Last fall, the Kraken exchange agreed with the US Department of the Treasury on a fine for violating sanctions.. At the same time, the management of the site voluntarily disclosed the facts of sanctions violations and, after some negotiations, agreed to a fine of $362,000.. Also, an agreement was made to invest an additional $100,000 in their compliance system.