
Neo SPCC updates NeoGo for the Domovoi hard fork

Neo SPCC has recently released an update for NeoGo, version v0.106.2, which is fully compatible with Neo 3.7.5 and the upcoming Domovoi hard fork. This minor update primarily addresses a contract call permissions vulnerability, where the executing contract state will now be used for checking permissions after the hard fork height. Additionally, there have been adjustments made to log behaviors and NeoFS-specific improvements.

It’s important to note that this update does not include the fix for the VM item refcounting issue found in the GetNotifications handler of the C# node. However, this bug was not present in the Go implementation, so there should be minimal application log differences for TestNet transactions before the Domovoi hard fork.

The Domovoi hard fork is scheduled to take place at block height 5,570,000 on MainNet and block height 4,144,000 on TestNet. Users are advised to upgrade their NeoGo software promptly and ensure their config files are properly configured for the upcoming hard fork. Thankfully, resynchronization will not be necessary.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the complete release notes provided at this link: