
Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Claims ‘Inflation Bump Is Over’ — Peter Schiff Says Krugman’s View ‘Should Be Dismissed’

Renowned economist Paul Krugman and gold advocate Peter Schiff have recently clashed over their opposing views on inflation. Krugman, a Nobel laureate, believes that the “inflation bump is over,” citing evidence from the Fed’s latest Beige Book that prices have increased at a modest pace. However, Schiff dismisses Krugman’s viewpoint, pointing out that the economist failed to anticipate the inflation bump in the first place. Schiff argues that all indicators suggest a reacceleration of inflation, contradicting Krugman’s claims. Schiff has consistently warned about the weakening U.S. economy and strengthening inflation, criticizing the Fed’s policies and predicting double-digit inflation rates. The disagreement between Krugman and Schiff highlights the ongoing debate surrounding inflation and its impact on the economy.