
Sberbank opened access to digital assets for private investors

Sberbank recently opened up registration for individuals on their digital financial assets platform, allowing investors to access DFAs tied to the average price of residential real estate in Moscow.

These DFAs are now available for purchase, but only to Sberbank clients who have been recognized as qualified investors. These individuals have the necessary authority to trade in high-risk assets.

The payment amounts associated with these digital financial assets will fluctuate based on the value of the digital square meter index, which is now being published on the Sberbank CIB Index platform. This DFA offering will remain open until February 15, and repayment will be carried out between December 11 and December 16, 2026. Investors also have the option to sell their digital financial assets to the issuers prior to maturity.

In addition, Sberbank is actively seeking a qualified professional to join their team as an executive director, specifically in charge of leading the development of cryptocurrency solutions.