
Uniswap v4 Enters Code Freeze, Render Network Proposes Blender Cycles Integration

Uniswap v4 has officially entered the code freeze stage, marking a significant milestone in its development. With the code freeze, developers can now focus on implementing hooks, creating interfaces, and writing production-ready code without the fear of mandatory refactors or breaking changes. The core contracts will undergo audits before the deployment of v4, which is scheduled for later this year. Uniswap has also extended an invitation to early testers to participate in the Uniswap Extension Beta access program.

In another development, Render Network has proposed integrating Blender Cycles into its ecosystem as a supported GPU render engine. Blender Cycles is a popular physically-based path tracer used in various industries such as film, VFX, motion graphics, design, and gaming. By incorporating Blender Cycles, Render Network aims to enhance its platform’s capabilities and cater to a diverse range of artists and creators.

Both Uniswap and Render Network are pushing the boundaries of decentralized finance and 3D content creation, respectively. These updates highlight their commitment to innovation and community engagement. Stay tuned for more updates on these exciting developments in the coming weeks.