
US Election 2024: XRP Lawyer John Deaton Might Garner Crypto PAC’s Support

US Election 2024: XRP Lawyer John Deaton Gains Crypto PAC Support

Pro XRP lawyer John Deaton’s bid for the US senate race has received widespread support from crypto market participants, and now there are speculations about crypto-backed political action committees (PACs) throwing their weight behind him. The spotlight is on Fairshake, a super PAC that might offer support to Deaton, especially in Massachusetts, where he is challenging Senator Warren for her seat. Fox journalist Eleanor Terrett raised these possibilities in a recent post.

Terrett stated that it would be interesting to see if Fairshake expands its support in Massachusetts during the election cycle. Other states may also be in their focus. If Fairshake does decide to support Deaton, it could significantly bolster his chances of success.

Deaton has already initiated a fundraising effort, with cryptocurrency donations playing a crucial role in his campaign. The cryptocurrency industry as a whole has rallied behind Deaton, and notable personalities like Anthony Scaramucci have pledged their support.

The 2024 US elections are anticipated to place a high importance on crypto voters. It has become apparent that voters who support cryptocurrencies expect politicians to actively embrace digital currencies and develop favorable legislation. This sentiment was evident in Congresswoman Katie Porter’s defeat in the California Senate Primary, where her support for Senator Elizabeth Warren’s anti-crypto position played a significant role in her loss to Schiff. Since Deaton announced his candidacy to run against Warren, there has been a surge of support to increase the involvement of bitcoin advocates in US politics. Meanwhile, Warren has not made any substantial moves in response to the potential challenges to her Senate seat.

According to Forbes, one in five Americans currently owns digital assets, which amounts to around 52 million people. The growing influence of crypto owners means their support could hold considerable sway in the outcome of the US presidential election. Therefore, winning over Bitcoin enthusiasts and other cryptocurrency supporters will likely be crucial for any administration vying for victory.