
Wasabi Wallet Lead Developer: ‘Bitcoin Developers Are Failing El Salvador’

Wasabi Wallet Lead Developer: ‘Bitcoin Developers Are Failing El Salvador’

Adam Ficsor, the lead developer of Wasabi Wallet, a privacy-centric Bitcoin wallet, has expressed his concerns over the slow adoption of Bitcoin in El Salvador. In a recent interview, Ficsor stated that Bitcoin developers have failed in their efforts to improve the use of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange, even with the implementation of the lightning network.

Ficsor acknowledged the challenges that Bitcoin presents when it comes to being used as a form of currency. He recognized that Bitcoin still has a long way to go in terms of its usability as a medium of exchange. He stated, “It’s not that El Salvador isn’t ready for Bitcoin. It’s Bitcoin isn’t ready for El Salvador. It’s us Bitcoin developers who are failing you guys.”

Ficsor explained that while Bitcoin excels in its store of value capabilities, developers have struggled to streamline the user experience for Bitcoin payments. He mentioned that even with the use of the Lightning Network, the payment experience is not as seamless as it should be.

In his work on Wasabi Wallet, Ficsor has focused on anonymizing Bitcoin payments. However, he described this pursuit as a “dangerous adventure,” expressing concerns for his and his family’s safety due to the increasing scrutiny faced by privacy developers.

Notably, Wasabi Wallet dropped its privacy functions in May, citing the growing legal risks associated with privacy-focused services. This decision was influenced by the U.S. Department of Justice indicting the founders of a similar privacy wallet, Samourai, on money laundering charges.

Ficsor’s comments shed light on the challenges faced by Bitcoin developers in improving the user experience and promoting adoption, especially in countries that are embracing Bitcoin as legal tender. The situation in El Salvador serves as a reminder that further work is needed to make Bitcoin more practical for everyday transactions.