
What Can You Do with 0.1 Ethereum? An Investor Made 23,770x in Just Six Days and Earned $8.3 Million: Here’s the Altcoin He Bought…

What Can You Do with 0.1 Ethereum? An Investor Made 23,770x in Just Six Days and Earned $8.3 Million: Here’s the Altcoin They Bought…

As the trend of mem tokens among investors continues, a new wave of popularity has spread from the Solana (SOL) network to the Base network.

Recently, a fortunate investor managed to turn their 0.1 ETH (equivalent to $353) into a staggering $8.39 million in just six days on the Base network.

Lookonchain, a reliable source, revealed the details of this investor’s transactions and the specific mem tokens they acquired.

According to their findings, an investor going by the name LarpVonTrier bought a variety of Base-based meme tokens, resulting in a remarkable 23,770x gain.

“On March 27, LarpVonTrier took to Twitter to announce that they were on the hunt for some Base-based meme tokens with a market cap (MCap) below $5,000.

The first gem they acquired was KEYCAT.

KEYCAT had only been circulating for two days at that time, with an MCap of just $2.2k. LarpVonTrier then proceeded to purchase a significant amount of 1.3 billion KEYCATs, equivalent to 13.16% of the total supply, for a mere 0.1 ETH ($353).

Eventually, they sold 344.7 million KEYCATs for 497 ETH ($1.75 million) through two separate wallets.

“Currently, there are 971.2 million KEYCATs (9.71% of the total supply) held across six wallets, which are collectively worth $6.64 million.”

Lookonchain also revealed that prior to acquiring KEYCAT, LarpVonTrier dabbled in altcoins named NORMIE and NORMILIO, which are also part of the Base network. Unfortunately, they suffered losses of $820 (-23%) in NORMIE and $9,700 (-84%) in NORMILIO.

1/ Crazy! @LarpVonTrier turned 0.1 $ETH ($353) into $8.39M on #Base in just 6 days, resulting in a gain of 23,770x!

Curious to know how they achieved such remarkable success?

Let’s delve into their inspiring story.

— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) April 2, 2024

*Remember, this information should not be considered as investment advice.