
XRPL Builder Addresses XRP $10,000 Price Dilemma

XRPL Builder Tackles the XRP $10,000 Price Dilemma

Shen, the mastermind behind Zerpmon, an NFT game built on the XRP Ledger, has recently shared his thoughts on the widely discussed XRP $10,000 price prediction. In an interview with Crypto Eri, a prominent figure in the XRP community, the XRPL builder shed light on the issue.

The $10,000 XRP price forecast has been a topic of interest among XRP enthusiasts for some time. However, Shen expressed concerns about the passive approach taken by many XRP holders. He believes that this lack of engagement is hindering the growth of the XRP ecosystem when compared to other competing blockchains.

Shen pointed out that the prevailing belief among XRP holders is that they should hold onto their XRP tokens and wait for a massive surge in price. However, this mindset leads to low activity on the XRPL. In Shen’s words, “The problem is that no one is using their XRP.”

To stimulate growth, Shen emphasized the importance of active participation from XRP holders. He cited Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Solana as examples of cryptocurrencies that have seen success due to active engagement within their communities.

Shen further stated that the XRP community needs to move away from a speculative mindset and start using XRP within the ecosystem. He believes that until users find reasons to utilize their XRP holdings, the price of XRP will not experience significant growth.

While some members of the XRP community agreed with Shen’s perspective, others argued that the price of XRP and its utility are not solely dependent on retail users. One viewpoint suggested that the resolution of Ripple’s lawsuit would be a catalyst for XRP price appreciation.

In conclusion, Shen’s insights provide valuable food for thought regarding the $10,000 XRP price dilemma. Active participation and the utilization of XRP within the ecosystem may be the key to unlocking its full potential.