
Game of Thrones Creator George R.R. Martin Joins Lawsuit Against OpenAI

Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin has joined a lawsuit against OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, along with 12 other authors and the Authors Guild. The lawsuit alleges that OpenAI used copyrighted works from these authors as training data for its language model, ChatGPT, without authorization. The authors claim that ChatGPT has been used to impersonate them and create “low-quality” ebooks, potentially damaging their reputations and sales.

The lawsuit argues that OpenAI’s actions are a form of copyright infringement and seeks damages for the lost opportunity to license their works and for the harm caused by OpenAI’s use of their content. The authors are also seeking a permanent injunction to prevent OpenAI from using their work without authorization.

In George R.R. Martin’s case, the lawsuit claims that ChatGPT was used to create unauthorized outlines for alternate sequels to his popular book series, including one titled “A Dance With Shadows.” The lawsuit also mentions an incident where a developer used ChatGPT to generate AI-generated endings to Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire book series.

George R.R. Martin and Authors Guild Sue OpenAI for Copyright Infringement

This lawsuit is part of a broader discussion around the use of AI and copyrighted materials, and it highlights the challenges and legal issues that arise when AI models are trained on copyrighted texts without permission. OpenAI has faced similar lawsuits in the past, and the outcome of this case could have implications for how AI models are trained and used in the future.

OpenAI has not yet responded to the lawsuit, and the case is ongoing.