
Italian Students Organize Bitcoin Training Seminars for Educational Institutions

A team of students from the Polytechnic University of Turin created the BitGeneration initiative, which will offer training workshops on displays in Italian educational institutions. These seminars are aimed at third, fourth and fifth year students of universities and consist of ten meetings lasting about three hours each.

Topics cover various aspects of Bitcoin such as its role in development and the gaming industry. It will also focus on practical issues, such as registering in a wallet, creating your own phrases and timestamps. As part of the BitGeneration project, mining workshops will also be held, where the ASIC Antminer S9 miner will be demonstrated.

Several representatives of the Italian crypto industry, including Giacomo Zucco, Alecos Filini and Riccardo Masutti, spoke at these seminars.

Nicolò Terranova, one of the student organizers of BitGeneration, hopes to create a documentary featuring the trainees.

Texas A&M University has also added a dedicated course on the Bitcoin protocol to its curriculum, and NITI Aayog, an Indian research and development center, has released a Blockchain learning module that will be implemented in over 10,000 educational institutions.