
Controversy Surrounds ConsenSys Privacy Policy Update and Metamask Wallet

  • This is what the company’s new rules say
  • It looks like Metamask Wallet could also fall under this amendment

CEO 1inch Anton Bukov drew attention to a strange paragraph 4.3 in the new Consensys rules. It says that the platform reserves the right to withhold taxes if necessary.

And indeed, the official website has this item. In addition to taxes, it identifies other state fees (and any fines, interest and other additions to them).

So far, Consensys has not responded in any way to this tweet. And some commentators write that these are company-only amendments, and do not apply to the Metamask project.

The Consensys recently updated their privacy policy, which has caused a lot of noise and criticism. It turned out that the wallet provider was storing the user data of its customers.

Many saw this as the swan song of one of Web3’s core promises: privacy rights. And called to stop using the wallet and other Consensys products.

In response, ConsenSys had to make urgent excuses. They stated that they only store user data for transactions.

And such information is stored for a maximum of 7 days. The technology itself is implemented through the Infura tool.

However, later ConsenSys added settings that allow default migration from Infura to other services (which do not collect data).