
Former nChain CEO jailed for 10 months over Craig Wright leaks

Former nChain CEO, Christen Ager-Hanssen, has been sentenced to 10 months in jail for leaking documents that exposed Craig Wright, according to confirmed reports. The judgment hearing took place on May 3 in the High Court as part of nChain Holding AG’s case against Ager-Hanssen. The judge found that Ager-Hanssen had violated multiple court orders by not removing the leaked documents, revealing who received them, and surrendering his devices. The leaked document, known as the Fairway Brief, contained confidential information about Craig Wright’s false claims to be Satoshi, as well as allegations of a criminal conspiracy involving Calvin Ayre, Marco Bianchi, and Fairway Family Office AG. nChain obtained court orders to remove the information from the public domain, and Ager-Hanssen’s failure to comply with these orders was seen as an attempt to undermine court authority and keep nChain’s information confidential. Ager-Hanssen has been sentenced to 10 months in jail, with a concurrent four-month sentence, and is expected to be released in five months. He plans to appeal his conviction, with the support of Whistleblowers UK, who believe that UK whistleblowing laws need to better protect individuals exposing criminal activity.