
High-Profile Murder Case Unveils Dark Secrets of San Francisco’s Tech Elite

San Francisco police have reported to the public the results of the investigation into the high-profile murder case of the director of cryptocurrency startup MobileCoin and founder of Cash App.

Bob Lee fatally shot in San Francisco’s upscale neighborhood in early April 2023.

From the beginning of the investigation, police were of the opinion that the businessman’s murder bore little resemblance to a random attack or a botched robbery.

About a week later, police arrested a close friend of Lee’s, his cryptoindustry colleague Nima Momen, the head of Expand IT on suspicion of committing the attack.

According to the initial version of the investigation, Lee and Momeni may have had a conflict based on their business together.

But after forensic examination and a comprehensive study of the circumstances, investigators concluded that the crime may have been the result of the “lifestyles of the San Francisco tech elite,” which Bob Lee led, as well as the personal animosity of the two men.

The medical examiner’s autopsy report on Lee said it found cocaine, ketamine, traces of other drugs in his system.

Interviews with witnesses revealed that Bob Lee may have been romantically involved with the assailant’s sister, Khazar Momeni. Supposedly, Nima Momeni wanted Lee to stop corrupting his sister.

Investigators noted that San Francisco’s extensive video surveillance system contributed to the successful resolution of the high-profile crime.

Several years ago, Ripple co-founder and billionaire Chris Larsen paid the installation of hundreds of surveillance cameras in San Francisco to “deter crimes against property and citizens.”