
One in three young Australians owns a cryptocurrency – ASX survey

  • The local stock exchange has analyzed investor portfolios
  • Young people invest most heavily in crypto
  • But middle-aged investors have accumulated the most wealth

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) conducted a survey among Australians about their investment preferences. They broke down the responses by age group.

It turned out that even the Australian youth preferred stable returns. This was stated by 46% of the “nextgen” (that is, people aged 18 to 24).

With 31% of respondents in this group indicated that they hold or trade cryptocurrency.

Researchers believe that young investors choose crypto for two reasons. The first is the desire to do something different than their parents. And the second is their technical savvy.

The average young crypto investor owns $2700 worth of cryptocurrency. Such assets account for 6% of their total portfolio. Meanwhile, in other age groups, crypto-assets account for about 3% of the total portfolio.

But the 25-to-49 age group has achieved “accumulator of wealth” status.. They generally own most of the cryptocurrency (although they give it a smaller percentage of distribution in the investment portfolio).

19% of the total number of crypto-owners are people aged 50+.. This is the first ASX report in which a class of crypto-assets appeared.

Remind that in a recent poll, 61% of Americans called AI a threat to humanity.