
The State Duma has decided on the timing of consideration of the law on the digital ruble

The Council of the State Duma has set a deadline for considering a bill that will allow the Bank of Russia to process personal data of digital ruble users without their consent.

The bill, introduced by a group of deputies led by Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of the Duma Committee on the Financial Market, was preliminary approved by the leadership of the State Duma and was recommended for inclusion in the work program of the spring session of 2023 for January.

The Council has limited the deadline for submitting any amendments, feedback, comments and proposals to the financial market committee on January 20th. Accordingly, the first reading of the bill by the Duma should take place on January 23-27, 30 or 31.

The authors of the bill propose to amend the current legislation, which give the Central Bank of the Russian Federation the powers of the main and only operator of the digital ruble, determine the rules for transactions involving the state digital currency and the features of the functioning of the wallet for the Russian CBDC.