
China Mobile’s Proposal for Digital Identification in Meta-Universe Raises Privacy and Security Concerns

State-owned telecommunications company China Mobile has proposed to introduce digital identification for all meta-universe users for the sake of maintaining order and security in the virtual world.

The digital ID of meta-universe users should include, China Mobile suggests, a range of data including physiological characteristics, social characteristics and occupation.

In case of disturbances in meta-universes this information can be shared with authorities and law enforcement agencies.

For example, if a user spreads harmful rumors, cheats, or commits illegal acts in meta-universes, the digital ID will allow the police to quickly find and punish the user.

China Mobile’s initiative involves implementing a principle similar to the PRC’s social trust system, designed to evaluate citizens and organizations based on various criteria.

The proposal has already been tabled at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which sets the rules for working with digital technologies.

Chris Kremidas-Courtney, a senior researcher at the Friends of Europe think tank, said using such a system in virtual worlds could violate citizens’ privacy and freedom:

“Imagine a meta-universe where your digital identifiers are controlled by Chinese authorities.

China is set to become the world leader in meta-universe development, so whoever wants to capture the future is the one setting the standards.

Every government should ask itself: do we want to live in such an immersive virtual world?

In 2022, the National People’s Congress decided to introduce urgent measures to regulate meta-universes.

In drafting the rules authorities have emphasized creating laws to prevent digital addiction and strengthen content security, as well as cracking down on illegal activities in meta-universes.