
Nasdaq named areas of the metaverse that will be enriched by investors in 2023

Investors Name Top 3 Metaverse Industry Trends That Will Raise the Most Capital in 2023. Kelly Chu, managing partner of True Global Ventures, came to this conclusion. In a column on the US stock exchange Nasdaq, Chu said that next year investors' attention will be riveted to services for recognizing emotions using artificial intelligence, as well as robot teachers in virtual reality.. He also believes that in early 2023 we can expect a wave of investment rounds among startups with a focus on the metaverse.. However, Chu admits that such a scenario is only possible if the “cryptocurrency winter” has already passed by then.. Investors may also target Web3 game developers in 2023. Here we will talk about those market players who can survive the current crisis, the head of the venture capital firm notes. Source: According to published statistics, Animoca Brands remains the industry giant by a wide margin, having invested more than $500 million in the metaverse in 2022.. In second place is LootMogul (more than $200 million), and Improbable closed the top three with an investment of $99.4 million. According to Simon Powell, a representative of the American bank Jefferies, now more and more companies are interested in developing their own metaverses. This will eventually require more processors, much more processing power and wearable devices, causing a surge in hardware demand comparable to the early days of smartphones.. Damian Tong, a technical analyst at Macquarie in Tokyo, notes that strong gains in US chip maker Nvidia and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co are evidence that the stakes in the metaverse and the demand for computing power and cloud storage are already high. The excitement around the metaverses has already been reflected in the financial markets. A total of 35 metaverse-focused exchange-traded funds have been registered since June 2021, according to Morningstar.. For comparison, there are only 29 exchange-traded funds with a focus on the Internet. There are even fewer funds focusing on blockchain – 23 pieces. Disclaimer All information contained on our website is published on the principles of good faith and objectivity, and for informational purposes only. The reader is solely responsible for any actions taken by him on the basis of information received on our website.