
Greenpeace’s “Satoshi Skull” Raises Awareness of Environmental Impact of Bitcoin

Greenpeace’s campaign to highlight the environmental risks associated with Bitcoin mining has taken an unexpected turn as supporters of the cryptocurrency have embraced the organization’s artwork as a new symbol.

The “Satoshi Skull” installation, created by Benjamin Von Wong and Greenpeace as part of the “Change the Code, Not the Climate” campaign, uses waste materials from the electronic industry to create a three-meter skull, complete with smoking factory chimneys as a symbol of carbon fuel consumption and pollution.

The artwork also features a popular PTS meme, “red laser eyes”, which illuminate the eye sockets of the skull.

While the installation was intended to raise awareness of the pollution and energy issues associated with Bitcoin mining, supporters of the cryptocurrency have instead hailed it as a work of art, with some even using it as a new meme and avatar on social media.

Despite this unexpected response, Greenpeace remains committed to showcasing the Skull of Satoshi on a US tour over the next few months as part of the Bitcoin Climate Transformation Campaign.

The campaign aims to encourage the crypto community to transform the Bitcoin blockchain consensus mechanism into a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model, which is considered to be more environmentally friendly.