
Matter Labs has denied Polygon’s allegations of plagiarism

Matter Labs, the company that developed the zkSync Layer 2 solution for the Etherium network, has refuted Polygon management’s accusations of copying source code without properly mentioning the developers.

Polygon’s blog posted an article titled “Defend the ideals of open source,” in which developers claimed that Matter Labs copied a significant portion of source code from the Plonky2 library into a recently introduced validation system called Boojum. 

The code was copied with copyright and a link to its original authors, Polygon developers claim. However, Boojum’s presentation post does not mention Polygon and its developers. Polygon is also unhappy with Matter Labs founder Alex Gluchowski’s claim that Boojum is more effective than Plonky2.

In response, Alex Gluchowski posted a tweet expressing his disappointment with the allegations. He explained that only 5% of the code from Plonky2 was taken for the Boojum system, which is explicitly stated in the first line of its library. Gluchowski added that Boojum and Plonky2 are implementations of Redshift that were introduced by Matter Labs 3 years before Polygon published a paper on Plonky2.

“Every decision our team makes regarding zkSync is based on honesty and transparency. If we have made mistakes in the past, we have always done our best to openly acknowledge them and take responsibility. We will continue to do so in the future. Polygon’s allegations are unfounded and misleading,” Gluchowski wrote.

Last year, Matter Labs said it was preparing to launch a prototype of Pathfinder, a Layer 3 solution for scaling the Etherium network. The company received $200 million in funding last fall.