
The Bitcoin Policy Institute Launches the Peer-to-Peer Rights Fund to Help Defend Samourai Wallet Founders

The Bitcoin Policy Institute has recently announced the launch of the Peer-to-Peer Rights Fund, an initiative aimed at protecting the decentralized nature of bitcoin from regulatory overreach. The fund’s primary focus will be to provide support and defense for the founders of Samourai Wallet, as their case is seen as highly relevant to the industry. The fund aims to fight against the changing legal considerations that have been impacting peer-to-peer transactions using non-custodial and decentralized tools. The recent legal cases involving Tornado Cash, Samourai, Uniswap, and Metamask have highlighted the regulators’ shifting attitudes towards decentralization, treating developers as if they were financial institutions. The Peer-to-Peer Rights Fund aims to provide crucial resources to high-impact cases in the crypto industry, with the goal of securing important legal precedents. The first case that the fund will be supporting is the defense of Samourai Wallet founders, who are facing charges of money laundering and operating an unlicensed money services business. The fund hopes that a victory in this case will help establish that non-custodial privacy tools should not fall under the jurisdiction of the Bank Secrecy Act. The institution may also extend its support to other crypto institutions facing similar legal challenges in the future. Overall, the launch of the Peer-to-Peer Rights Fund signifies a growing effort to protect the decentralized nature of bitcoin and defend against regulatory overreach.