
Undeads Metaverse has begun a partnership with Web3 games developer Immutable

Undeads Metaverse announced its partnership with Immutable, one of the largest platforms for developers to create and scale Web3 games on Ethereum.

The goal of the partnership is to bring the Undeads Metaverse zombie apocalypse meta universe to the global stage, setting new standards for gaming innovation. Immutable’s gaming platform allows game studios and independent developers to create and securely run successful games on Ethereum.

Immutable’s product suite includes optimized out-of-the-box solutions that help developers get to market faster without sacrificing security or player convenience. By joining forces with Immutable, Undeads can ensure that players are immersed in a smooth gameplay experience unencumbered by gas fees or technical difficulties. Undeads marketing director Ash Hodgetts expressed great enthusiasm for this transformative partnership.


“Undeads now stands shoulder to shoulder with elite games on a platform that has taken the gaming world by storm. With support, Immutable Undeads is poised to soar to unprecedented heights and capture the minds of players around the world,” said Ash Hodgetts.

Undeads has captured the attention of the community, recently reaching a monumental milestone with the successful completion of its first NFT release, which brought the
$1 million. In addition, in late spring, Undeads Metaverse announced the
the launch of Undeads Runner, a new mini-game that will allow NFT owners to receive rewards for their tokens earlier than planned and accelerate the development of the player community. Undeads ambassadors will get exclusive access to a brief preview of the game in September.

“I’m happy to report that the zombie action in this game has already reached an excellent level,” said Ash Hodgetts. “It’s hard for us to contain our excitement, we want to share the results with the community as soon as possible. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!”

– is a next-generation MMORPG with a wide variety of game mechanics and more than ten types of NFT game assets. Undeads allows gamers to earn cryptocurrency while playing and interacting with other users. Web3 game Undeads is set in a post-apocalyptic meta-universe.

The conflict centers on the struggle for resources between two opposing factions: humans and zombies. Players are tasked with traveling to uncharted regions, establishing and defending their own settlements, mining resources, creating and upgrading their own equipment, trading, gaining skills in trade, and developing their NFT characters.

Undeads was founded by Undeads FZE LLC in February 2022. The project team includes 70 industry veterans from the U.S., Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia, as well as an extensive network of world-class partners.

Once virtual reality elements are added to the game, players will be able to compete with their pets, race cars, play billiards or poker, and even go fishing. Undeads VR Social Hub members will gain or lose points depending on the outcome of the match. The results of each game are stored in the blockchain and reflected in the leaderboard.