
Neo News: Week in Review – June 5 – June 11

General Updates

Neo and advisory firm announced a joint $150,000 sponsorship for Shadow Brother Sunday, the directorial debut of actor Alden Ehrenreich. The short film premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was followed by a charity auction in New York City featuring physical NFT memorabilia on the Neo blockchain. These NFTs are tied to original, physical 35mm film frames from Shadow Brother Sunday, becoming the first Hollywood memorabilia minted on the Neo blockchain. Proceeds from the auction will be donated to Red Eye, a non-profit organization aiming to build a brighter future for children in the entertainment industry.

Flamingo hosted a DeFi workshop at Web3 Berlin on June 10, with activities designed to onboard users into the platform. Participants were granted US $10 worth of tokens and learned how to use a Neo wallet and utilize various features on Flamingo.

Forthewin Network announced two forthcoming cross-chain features, FTW Bridge and ftwNEO. The FTW Bridge will connect with EVM-based chains and will also support Smith-born tokens. When NEO users migrate the indivisible token to an EVM chain, the GAS from the NEO tokens will be converted to NEP and distributed to ftwNEO tokens on the EVM chains they have been wrapped onto.

DogeRift announced the beta release of its Android mobile version, with iOS noted to be coming soon. Links to the .APK can be found on the DogeRift Discord. DogeRift also release patch 1.2.0, which included features such as friends lists, new football stadiums, UI improvements, and performance enhancements.

Meme2Earn launched a new ambassador program for community members. Beginning in June, users can share in a pool of up to US $420 in TIPS token rewards, distributed each month in return for their independent community-building efforts. The initiative was designed to encourage platform growth and further development of the meme platform on Neo.

Neo Global Development head of eco growth John Wang joined Huobi Twitter Spaces to talk about the Neo blockchain, and participants were able to win rewards from a pool of US $2,000. Additionally, Huobi added the GAS/USDT pair to the custodial exchange.

Neo will host Perlin Finance on an upcoming Twitter Spaces to discuss the forthcoming launch of the lending protocol on the Neo N3 blockchain. The event begins at 1:00 p.m. (UTC) on Tuesday, June 20.

Frank Coin’s founder will join the next GhostMarket Twitter Spaces to talk about its upcoming game being built on Neo. The event begins at 8:00 p.m. (UTC) on Thursday, June 15.

O3 Labs shared a community poll seeking input from users on whether the Neo N3 blockchain should be integrated into O3 Swap.

NNT Catch Up

NNT released episode 39 of the Smart Economy Podcast, featuring Oliver Linch, CEO of Bittrex Global. Topics of discussion included Bittrex Global’s forthcoming conversations with US regulators as well as various regulatory guidelines across different jurisdictions worldwide.


June 15: Frank Coin joining GhostMarket Twitter Spaces.
June 20: Neo hosting Twitter Spaces with Perlin Finance.
September 13-14: Neo participating in Token2049 in Singapore.

Token Listings

GAS was listed on the Huobi custodial exchange.