
Tether Accuses Wall Street Journal of Deliberately Spreading Misinformation

Tether, a major issuer of USDT stablecoins, has accused the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) of deliberately spreading negative and outdated information about the company.

According to Tether, the WSJ has published 84 negative articles in 2021 alone and often relies on opinions from experts associated with failed cryptocurrency companies.

Tether also noted that many other cryptocurrency and blockchain companies, which were previously praised by major media outlets, have resulted in significant financial losses for investors.

The conflict between Tether and the WSJ has been ongoing for several years, with the latter previously accusing Tether of artificially inflating the value of USDT and raising doubts about the stability of its backing.

Tether strongly denies these allegations and asserts that it operates within regulatory guidelines and cooperates with law enforcement regularly.

Recently, the Bits.Media portal published a detailed article on USDT’s security issues.