
Crypto Expert Craig Wright Dismisses USDT Stablecoin as a “Walking Dead Coin”

The entrepreneur from Australia, who has made a name for himself in the crypto community as “the self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto,” recently expressed criticism towards the USDT stablecoin on social media.

This reaction came in response to comments made by Mr. Whale, a prominent crypto expert, who suggested that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would soon take action against Tether – the issuer of the largest stablecoin by market capitalization.

The Commission has alluded to such a possibility, but has refrained from making any direct statements in fear of causing irreversible harm to the crypto industry as a whole.

Mr. Whale’s message concluded with the bold prediction that “Tether will lose 100% of its value.” In response, Craig Wright – a well-known figure within the crypto community who claims to have created Bitcoin – retorted with a curt, “No. Tether is already worth nothing.”

It’s a walking dead coin.”In related news, a recent article published by explored the possibility of Craig Wright being granted copyright recognition for Bitcoin in court.