
Airbnb CEO criticizes companies chasing hype in crypto, metaverse, and AI

At a conference hosted by American bank Morgan Stanley, Brian Chesky, the CEO of Airbnb, shared his thoughts on companies that focus on cryptocurrencies, the metaverse, and artificial intelligence.

Chesky criticized those who prioritize these trendy technologies solely for the sake of advertising themselves, rather than truly understanding their potential.

In Chesky’s opinion, companies with a genuine interest in innovation and a culture that values it will lead the way in the AI market.

He suggested that those who were discussing cryptocurrencies last year and AI this year likely don’t truly understand either technology.

Although Chesky did not specify which companies he was referring to, he did mention that Airbnb believes AI can enhance the company’s data processing capabilities and improve the monetization of services.

However, he did not elaborate on how this would be achieved. Chesky’s comments on the potential of AI are timely, given the hype surrounding the release of ChatGPT, a chatbot created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based company co-founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman.

The public’s interest in ChatGPT has sparked a surge in demand for neural network specialists in Russia, where the program has become increasingly popular.

However, despite the growing number of vacancies, there is still a significant shortage of IT experts in the country due to geopolitical instability.

While AI has undoubtedly captured the public’s attention, Chesky’s comments suggest that companies must be thoughtful and deliberate in their approach to emerging technologies, rather than simply chasing the latest trends.