
Alibaba Group to Launch Blockchain Lab in Japan for Commercial Projects

Alibaba Group has exciting plans for April as it prepares to launch a cutting-edge blockchain lab in Japan.

The lab promises to offer invaluable support to local partners, helping them to develop innovative commercial projects that utilize modern blockchain technologies.

The lab will be based in Shibuya, and will serve as a hub for training specialists and sharing knowledge among developers of commercial blockchain projects.

The lab was created in collaboration with several industry giants, including the developers of the Alibaba Cloud platform, Tokyu Real Estate, Skeleton Crew, and BitSummit, a leading studio for creating games and VR content.

At the outset, the Alibaba Group Blockchain Lab will focus on training engineers from partner firms who specialize in developing joint projects with Alibaba Cloud and blockchain.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hackathons, seminars, master classes, and other networking events.

Moreover, by the end of the year, the team at Alibaba Cloud aims to provide Japanese users with a secure and scalable infrastructure for creating blockchain nodes. The service is currently in its testing phase, but it is expected to be launched soon.

In a similar move, Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, recently announced the opening of its hub in Georgia, with the primary objective of attracting talented blockchain professionals.

This is an exciting time for the blockchain industry, as more and more players are entering the market and expanding their operations globally.